Second Chance Award?

I’ve have conflicting feelings with awards. The first nomination i received was from the wonderful Tilda. But, I was new to blogging and didn’t understand or see the value of being nominated from something when I didn’t particularly do anything to earn it.  Then on her blog Swift Expression she started a blogging challenge series and gifted awards to the winners and I was granted onw which i displayed on my blog moments after the announcement without a second thought or hesitation. It was merit based and not chain-mail like.

I was nominated twice for other awards by some of my other followers. I thanked them ( sincerely , i really do appreciate the thought of me and it warms my heart) but i never went ahead and committed to the award and blogged about and displayed it on my blog.

I’ve have been blogging regularly for  a few months now and I keep seeing all types of awards. I’m starting to feel different about them  because I’ve grown as  blogger. I’ve grown connected to my follower and those that i follow. Any thought or input or consideration from my cyber word press family personally touches my heart and i appreciate it greatly.

So, with a new heart trying to over power my skeptical mind I decided to give these awards a chance. New year, new things right?

Cheri over on Cheri Speaks has nominated me for an award, Very Inspiring Blogger Award. SO thank you Cheri, for thinking of me and causing me to open my mind and try new things.  I accept of course 🙂 I would nominate you again if i could!

Here are the rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you and link back to them in your post.
  • Share 7 interesting things about yourself.
  • Nominate 7 bloggers you admire.
  • Leave a comment somewhere on the seven blogs to make them aware of their nomination

SO Cheri, Thank you again ❤

Now, 7 interesting facts about myself?

1) I have a bad/rude and crude side. I know impossible to fathom of happy go lucky little ol me right? But, i do. I work hard to BE happy and be kind and keep that side in check. But, it’s not easy to be a good person. It’s much easier to be nasty. But, i put the extra effort, take a deep breath and act the part even if i don’t particularly feel very happy or nice that day. And each day that i do , it’s less of a chore and less of an act to the point where  I have reached now where it’s automatic and natural. Some days i still struggle. I also conduct myself different say at work and at home. People are often surprised when i drop that barrier to my two personalities. I just don’t feel comfortable mixing those sides.  Like one of my co-workers heard me curse for the first time yesterday. They nearly dropped the items they were putting back on the shelves they where so shocked. But in real life, i curse a lot actually.

2)It’s not a secret  I like to read. But, i don’ often disclose WHAT i read. I read YA paranormal romance or action or even sci/fi  fiction. I love my supernatural stories. I do read literature and novels occasionally but 90% of my reading is YA series.  Just yesterday I was at work reading my book before my shift and the store manager saw me reading and stopped and said ” Kiddo, so smart! Reading a book! We don’t see alot of that around here! Good job, keeping reading!” I smiled and said thank you i will. Little did she know I was reading about vampires and alchemists. Let her think I was reading Simone De Beauvoir. I have read alot of her works though lol, just making a point.

3)I’m embrassed of my feet. You all know I don’t care what people think of me, how i look, how much i weigh. I can go outside in my pjs, hair a mess and not care. But i rarely show my toes. I have yet to over come this.

4) I wasn’t always comfortable with other people and their judgement. Presently,  true I don’t care. But in my early teens and younger years? I wouldn’t even like to buy fast food or eat in public. I just felt judgment shooting at me like ray beams.

5) I love cheese and i hate it at the same time. I don’t like to handle cheese. I cannot cut the block cheese into little squares to eat with crackers. The smell hits me and i just want to puke. Making mac and cheese? Ugh. I only eat certain kinds of Mac and Cheese because it’s less of a smell.  And straight yellow cheese  please. Don’t bring the white cheddar anywhere near me!

6)I’m a very anxious person. I hate the administrative side of things. I don’t like to be the one to speak and go up to a person for assistance in offices. I don’t like making the phone calls. But i do it anyways. All. the. time

7)I’m very ashamed of my place in life. I thought I would be in a better place and accomplished more by this point. I know I have alot on my plate and good reason to only be where I am now. I do not regret or hold animosity to anyone. But i look at my peers who have their degrees and good jobs and I do feel shame I have not yet reached that. I wish them best luck and am very happy for them, no envy. I just feel ashamed I’m not in the same place. I know i will get there but its depressing to think of the time it will take to get there.

And drum roll please! My nominations are ( in no particular order, and also alot of you have already gotten a award or been awarded so i had to decide on different bloggers)

1) Lost Companion
This blogger i started to follow very recently and I am in awe of her. She is so brave. She shared her history of abuse and struggle and even through her very difficult life trails past and present she is working hard to cope and progress onwards. She has a cheerleader out of me, in her corner wishing her happiness and peace and success.

2) The Dance Theorem
This blogger has reminded what it is like to have passion. She blogs about her passion for dance and lack of outlet to progress with her passion, yet still tries. When i read her blog I am thrilled when she announces she accomplished or pursued something new for her dance. I hope one day to read her blog when she announced she is a full fledged Ballerina.

3)The Invisible Girl Vs. The World
This lovely blogging blogs EVERYDAY about coming of age and struggling with family, college , and her feelings. It’s something special to read everyday and I feel like I’m watching her grow up each day.

4)I Have To Be Skinny
This blogger is up there on my list with her openess and honesty of experiencing life as a plus sized woman and shares her fears and goals to be healthy.  She writes very real life account of her treatment by others and what’s it like in living in a judgmental world.

5)Rest Haven Court
I love this blog. This is a joint blog of sisters that share their Do It Yourself experiences in a very fun and easy to understand way.  They inspire me to get creative.

6) The Cage Of Hunger
Though she doesn’t blog often when she does its a very open and honest account of struggling with eating disorders.

7) Cancer Crutches Babies
I just found this blogger this week and I spent hours sitting there reading every single entry from beginning to end and was left with my heart in little ol’ pieces. She is so brave and strong. My heart breaks for her and this is one of those situations where you wish you knew them in real life to be there for them and help them through life’s impossible choices.


After I post this, I will go around to their blogs and left a little comment notifying them I have nominated them. Having completed this award now, I kind of like it. It’s a way of acknowledging each other and helping each other out. I heart you all! Thank you for being part of my blogging life. Many of you I carry with you in my heart in my very real life. Thank you for enriching my life everyone!

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About Corner of Confessions

My writings will tell my tale

4 responses to “Second Chance Award?”

  1. Corner of Confessions says :

    Reblogged this on Corner of Confessions and commented:
    The woe of having two blogs. Meant to post this on Corner of Confessions. Reblog cause I’m to lazy to redo all the links.

  2. Keith D. Larsen says :

    Loved the read! Excellent blog, and I’ll look forward to following. Keep up the awesome work. If you get a chance, please feel free to take a peak and follow my fitness Blog my goal is to become the largest free fitness blog on the net. Happy New Year!

    Yours In Fitness,

    • dietriotgirl says :

      Thank you for visiting my blog! I peeked around your site and i went ahead and followed. Best of luck on your fitness blog domination of the web. Hope 2013 brings you much success. Looking forward to checking your blog out further.

  3. C. R. says :

    Tash I was really thrown off initially trying to figure out who you were on this blog! LMAO brat! You are very welcome and you deserve to be recognized.

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